No your eyes don't deceive you! I learned how to make this a couple weeks ago and will be trying it on my own today.
First I am about to drag my "old Feller" out of bed to finish my kitchen mess. In case your wondering, he LOVES it when I get "In Over My Head" (Oh wow, that sounds like a good TV show, doesn't it? :-] ) and he gets to rescue me.
Anyway, back to the bread. The bread was really nice and soft. Angela's girls were pretty excited that she was making it and kept coming in and out to see if it was done yet. Jon & I had a hard time staying out of it so that we could have my girls try it.
OK, admit it, you're curious. . . . maybe even a little interested! Angela shared a big ole bunch of recipes with me, so don't miss this next batch of adventures!!!
I even made room in my freezer so that I can have a ball and not lose any.
I will be making them with the good ole hard red wheat and hard white wheat. If yo live nearby, drop by and I'll share some!
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
3 months ago